Sunday, October 27, 2019


Located at Group 15 and Period 6 of the Periodic Table is a curious element which is what known as a heavy metal, similar to Lead. This is Bismuth.

First discovered by Claude François Geoffroy in 1753 and isolated by Claude François Geoffroy in 1753 too.

Claude François Geoffroy
Apparently, Bismuth has been once discovered by a German monk called Basil Valentine in the 15th Century, where one of his writing refers Bismuth as Wismut, which is a German Phrase meaning ' white mass '.

A few years later, Wismut was Latinized to Bisetumum by Mineralogist Georgius Agricola. He reasearched on ' Bisetumum' and recognized its distinctive qualities and after that was described how it can be extracted from its ores.

It wasn't until 18th century when Bismuth was officially accepted as an metal. Works on its Chemistry was finally published in 1753 by Claude François Geoffroy. Claude François Geoffroy successfully distinguish the difference between Tin, Bismuth and Lead.

Bismuth have crystals which is called Bismuth Crystals. Bismuth Crystals grows suspiciously like a staircase, but not the plain old staircase. Instead, it looks like a multicolored staircase which is hard to describe.
Bismuth Crystals

Besides, Bismuth is one of a few element which its density in Solid State is lower than the density in Liquid State.

Atomic Number : 83
Name : Bismuth
Latin Name : Bismuthum
Electrons per shell : [ 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 5 ]
Discoverer : Claude François Geoffroy ( 1753
Isolator : Claude François Geoffroy ( 1753 )
Element's : Atomic Mass : 208.98040 u
: Density : 9.75g/c㎥
: Type : Other Metals
Chemical Properties :
  • Combines slowly with oxygen at room temperature
  • When the metal is a Pinkish or Yellowish tinge, it means that the element Bismuth has been oxidized.
  • Bismuth burns to form Bismuth Oxide in higher temperatures.
  • Reacts with most acids
  • Burns with most acids
  • 86 Isotopes : 3 of them are : Bismuth - 207 : Protons : 83 : Neutrons : 124 : Electrons : 83
    Bismuth - 209
    ( Half Life : 31.55 years ) Bismuth - 208 : Protons : 83 : Neutrons : 125 : Electrons : 83 ( Half Life : 368000 years ) Bismuth - 209 : Protons : 83 : Neutrons : 126 : Electrons : 83 ( Half Life : 201 quintillion years )
Physical Properties :
  • grey ( pure metal form )
  • multicolored ( crystal form )
  • brittle
  • pinkish tinge
  • soft
  • poor conductor of electricity
  • poor conductor of heat
  • Similar characteristic with Lead and Tin
  • Tiny bit of radioactive
  • Melting Point : 271.4 degrees Celsius ( 520.52 Fahrenheit )
  • Boiling Point : 1564 degrees Celsius ( 2847.2 Fahrenheit )
    Radioactive Symbol
How Bismuth got its name?
Bismuth has many evolution for its name. Bismuth was first called Wismut, meaning white mass in Greek. The name was given by a German Monk called Basil Valentine. After that, a mineralogist called Georgius Agricola latinized Wismut to Bisetumum, which has the same meaning which is white mass. The final name of Bismuth is Bismuthum, given by its discoverer, Claude François Geoffroy, for his credit of discovery.

Bismuth has been used as a shimmer added into makeups in Ancient Egypt, which is at the time of the Pharaohs. Now, Bismuth is still used in Cosmetics. Bismuth is also used as a active element for curing stomach ache in a famous brand too ( Although too much doses will kill you ).
Stomachache Medicine

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